Transcript: Meet the Justice Action Coalition

Title Screen: “Justice Action Coalition: Joining Forces for Justice for All” over a blue and red background. Inspirational music plays. Scenery: Black and white image of people protesting. Large banner in front of group reads: “No Justice No Peace”.  Text: Around the world, people are calling out for justice.  Scenery: Black and white image of a protest. Another large sign reads: “No Justice No Peace”. Text: Gender, Racial, Economic, Social, Intergenerational, Climate Justice Scenery: Black and white photo of protestors walking together and holding hands.  Text: People want a better social contract, and more equal and inclusive societies Scenery: Red box on top of white background.  Text: But our justice systems are failing to deliver fairness and justice in people’s lives. Scenery: Black and white photo of people waiting in line outside a store front. All of them are wearing COVID-19 face masks.  Text: Two-thirds of the world’s population does not have meaningful access to justice.  Scenery: Black and white photo of a protestor in a COVID-19 face mask. Protest sign reads: “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere” Text: And 1.5 billion people have a justice problem they cannot resolve.  Scenery: Black and white photo of canvas shelters. A woman is carrying a bucket past a child. Text: Countries affected by conflict need investments in justice to build sustainable peace. Scenery: 17 colorful blocks appear on screen, each highlighting a different target of SDG16+. Text: In 2015, UN Member States agreed on the Sustainable Development Goals  Scenery: Photo of a large event hall. A man stands on stage and addresses the crowd. Text: With goal 16, world leaders embraced the ambition to make access to justice universally available.  Scenery: Different images fade in on a blue background, showcasing protests and meetings.  Text: While we are far from achieving this goal, there are people, organizations, and countries working to transform justice.  Scenery: Photo of “Access to Justice” centers in Argentina. Text: In Argentina, the government has created nearly 100 access to justice centers, where lawyers and social workers provide people-centered justice services in communities everywhere, no matter how remote.  Scenery: Black and white photo of a hand holding up all five fingers. Text: In Nigeria, the Stand to End Rape Initiative works to advance gender equality, advocates against sexual and gender-based violence, and provides services to survivors.  Scenery: Photo of a man and a woman working at a desk. Woman is on the phone and man is looking at the camera.  Text: In Ukraine, community paralegals of the Legal Development Network continue to provide services to people whose lives have been upended by war.   Scenery: The flags of several different member countries of the Justice Action Coalition fade in over a white background. Text: The Justice Action Coalition is a high-ambition coalition of countries and organizations championing access to justice for all  Scenery: Photo of several flags in a line outside a building.  Text: We are launching an appeal to put people at the center of justice and accelerate efforts before the second SDG summit.  Scenery: Photo of a protest. Sign reads: “It Starts With Justice” Text: The Coalition will support countries pivoting to people-centered justice and bring together data and evidence to support global decision making.  Scenery: Red block on a white background.Text: Join us–only together can we make justice for all a reality. Scenery: Logos for organizations in the Justice Action Coalition appear on screen, then fade out. Justice Action Coalition logo appears on screen.  Text: Music ends