silhouette of people in an assembly line on a hill

Accelerating action on SDG16+

The Pathfinders is a group of UN member countries, international organizations, and members of civil and the private sector dedicated to the delivery of sustainable development goal targets for peace, justice, and inclusion (SDG16+).

  • Peace

    In partnership with international governments, organizations, and city authorities, the Pathfinders' Grand Challenge on Halving Global Violence seeks to accelerate delivery of peace-related SDG targets.

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  • Justice

    The Pathfinders’ Grand Challenge on Justice acts as an impact hub, bringing together countries, civil society leaders, and multilateral organizations to close the justice gap by investing in people-centered justice.

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  • Inequality & Exclusion

    The Pathfinders' Grand Challenge on Inequality & Exclusion is a cross-regional alliance of countries, civil society leaders, and multilateral partners seeking to identify practical, politically-viable solutions to combat inequality and exclusion.

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Roadmap for Peaceful, Just and Inclusive Societies

In 2015, the UN adopted a 2030 Agenda that included specific Sustainable Development Goal targets for peace, justice, and inclusion (SDG16+). Two years later, the Pathfinders published the Roadmap for Peaceful, Just and Inclusive Societies, a shared vision for how to deliver on SDG16+. (Updated in 2019.)

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Banner: UN Photo / Logan Abassi