Smarter Financing: The Investment Case to Secure Justice for Children

Achieving justice for children requires a step change in the resourcing of more effective interventions and in the quality and impact of that investment for children, with a sustained focus for the long-term.
Smarter financing is more urgently needed than ever to support and underpin the action necessary to address the structural barriers and rising inequalities that have prevented progress and continue to leave so many children behind.
This is not yet another agenda for already over-stretched governments. This is a ‘how to’ briefing note to support governments’ delivery on the many political and financial commitments already made on the SDGs regarding children; the SDGs will not be met without significant progress on SDG16.
It introduces policymakers to a sequence of steps to build and apply smarter financing strategies – to support our collective ambitions to achieve SDG 16 for all children – and points in the direction of next steps to accelerate action at the mid-point of the Agenda 2030.