Pathfinders • Feb 05, 2025

Successes and Challenges: How Adaptable Partnerships Drive Solutions, Build Trust, and Advance SDGs 5 and 16

The Permanent Mission of Czechia to the United Nations, Pathfinders for Peaceful, Just and Inclusive Societies, International Development Law Organization (IDLO), the UN Office of Rule of Law and Security Institutions, and the Gender Equality for Small Arms Network (GENSAC) are excited to invite you to an event on the sidelines of the ECOSOC Partnership Forum to discuss the successes and challenges in creating meaningful and effective partnerships to advance Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 5 and 16.

Logos for How Adaptable Partnerships Drive Solutions, Build Trust, and Advance SDGs 5 and 16 event.

February 5, 2025 | 10:00–11:30 a.m. (EST)| In-Person

Baháʼí International Community, 866 United Nations Plaza #120, New York, NY 10017

Register for the event here

Download the concept note here

Please note that registration is required to access the building. The registration deadline is Monday, February 3 by 3 p.m. (EST)


SDG5 on Gender Equality, under in-depth review at this year’s HLPF, and SDG16 on Peace, Justice and Inclusive Institutions are widely acknowledged as enablers of the larger 2030 Agenda. Similarly, partnerships are paramount to advancing the SDGs, as no government nor stakeholder can realize sustainable change alone. As such, and with five years remaining until 2030, this side-event will focus on lessons learned in building effective multistakeholder partnerships to advance SDG5 and SDG16 at national and local levels, and their impact across sectors, development priorities, and other SDGs.

From national and local governments, to civil society, international and regional organizations, IFIs, academia and private sector, multistakeholder partnerships can help to build trust and find common ground, while amplifying common messages across audiences and facilitating the exchange of good practices, research and resources, with women’s organizations  and youth networks particularly critical in promoting inclusive SDG action that leverages the contributions of women and young people as agents of change.

However, they are often iterative, with challenges amid success. With a focus on evidence-based policies and networked multilateralism, speakers will provide examples and lessons learned from local, regional, national and international levels of partnerships that have practically advanced SDG5, 16 and their interlinkages across development and political spectrums and the processes behind them. In particular, it will explore  concrete examples of partnerships  with women and youth organizations that have been successful with respect to violence prevention and small arms control, gender- and youth-responsive justice and security services, and economic empowerment. Rather than focus on generic lessons-learned, this discussion will focus on what worked, what didn’t work, and how partners then course corrected in order to advance, capture and leverage meaningful and positive change.


This interactive dialogue includes speakers from governments, independent institutions, civil society, and international organizations at global, regional and national levels.


  1. What role have partnerships played in advancing action on SDG5, SDG16 and their interlinkages in your national or local context, and who have these partnerships included? How have you ensured that these partnerships are meaningful, sustainable and effective?
  2. What are lessons learnt and good practices in leveraging partnerships to build gender and youth-responsive policies and institutions across sectors in support of SDGs 5 and 16?
  3. What challenges have been faced in creating effective partnerships and how were they managed or adapted to create change?
  4. How has the impact of these partnerships been captured or integrated into policies, strategies or budgets, and how has the impact been leveraged  to not only protect against rollback but continue to advance implementation?


  • H.E. Mr. Jakub Kulhánek, Permanent Representative of the Czechia to the United Nations
  • Ms. Natálie Jančíková, VNR Coordinator, Ministry of Environment, Government of Czechia
  • Senior Legal Advisor on Gender, International Development Law Organization (TBC)
  • Ms. Magda Coss, GENSAC Member, Mexico
  • Ms. Obianuju Nwobi, Senior Sector Reform Officer, United Nations Office of the Rule of Law and Security Institutions
  • Moderator: Ms. Margaret Williams, Associate Director, SDG16+, Pathfinders for Peaceful, Just and Inclusive Societies, NYU Center on International Cooperation