Justice • Jul 12, 2023

Accelerating the delivery of SDG 16.3: Leveraging Data and Evidence to Put People at the Center of Justice.

The Permanent Missions to the UN of the Government France and the Kingdom of the Netherlands together with the Pathfinders for Peaceful, Just, and Inclusive Societies, the Ibero-American Alliance for Access to Justice, WJP, HiiL, ODI, OECD, UNDP, IDRC and IDLO are delighted to invite you to an expert-level meeting entitled: Accelerating the delivery of SDG 16.3: Leveraging Data and Evidence to Put People at the Center of Justice.

Watch the recording of the event on Youtube

July 12, 2023 | 9:30 AM – 11:30 AM | Hybrid

Permanent Mission of France to the United Nations
245 East, 47th Street – 44th floor
New York, NY, 10017

*For those attending in-person, there will be coffee, a light lunch, and networking following the event from 11:30AM –12:00PM (ET).

The Permanent Missions to the UN of the Government France and the Kingdom of the Netherlands together with the Pathfinders for Peaceful, Just, and Inclusive Societies, the Ibero-American Alliance for Access to Justice, WJP, HiiL, ODI, OECD, UNDP, IDRC and IDLO are delighted to invite you to an expert-level meeting entitled: Accelerating the delivery of SDG 16.3: Leveraging Data and Evidence to Put People at the Center of Justice.

The justice data gap is huge. We lack comprehensive and disaggregated data on people’s justice needs, problems, and experiences of trying to seek justice. What data does exist is often not comparable owing different tools and methodologies being used. We have a broad idea of what works to resolve some justice problems in some contexts but are unaware of units costs, scalability and cost effectiveness of these solutions.

This event seeks to bring together governments, civil society, justice practitioners, researchers, and the donor community to discuss justice data gaps, challenges in data collection and the way forward to create a knowledge infrastructure to guide policy making.


  • Ambassador Nicolas de Rivière, Permanent Mission of France to the United Nations
  • Daniela Barba, Director of Research, Access to Justice, World Justice Project
  • María Fernanda Rodríguez, Senior Consultant, Ibero-American Alliance for Access to Justice
  • Tatyana Teplova, Head of Division, Policy Coherence for SDGs, Senior Counsellor, Gender, Justice and Inclusiveness, OECD
  • Martin Gramatikov, Program Director KUCS, HiiL
  • Elizabeth Andersen, Executive Director, World Justice Project
  • Matthew Burnett, Senior Program Officer, American Bar Foundation
  • Gulsen Güler, Young Justice Leader
  • Swati Mehta, Program Director, Justice for All, Pathfinders for Peaceful, Just and Inclusive Societies (NYU CIC)